The mold construction for the fiber optic bar/buffet top is coming along. I taped off the bottom, drew an abstract shape, cut out the shape, and glued in crushed glass. I almost cried while making the crushed glass out of a broken Murano glass lamp from Italy. It even had the master's signature but was unsalvagable as a lamp. The bigger pieces were glued in with a drop of epoxy and the little pieces sprinkled on after spray adhesive. What is the weird frame you ask, hold tight.

Here is the fiber optic setup. The bottom piece is the led light generator and the black encases all the fiber optics.

I bought a multi-strand setup that had small, medium, and large fibers. I cut enough to run into the cabinet and split the case open.

The bigger fibers got attached to the larger glass pieces to make them glow. I just attached them with hot glue. I will have to be careful placing the concrete, but they seem secure.

The strap is there to keep the fibers out of the way. I drilled very small holes into the white part of the mold and have been inserting the smaller fibers. This is a very time consuming process. It will be cool when finished and I can't rush otherwise the fibers will come loose.
Your Blog is awesome! Please keep posting. I can't wait to see how this project turns out.
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