Friday, June 19, 2009

KC Home Design Awards

Here are a couple pictures of the awards I have been studiobuild with for Kansas City Home Design Magazine.
The concrete/mortar for the regular awards has a little higher paste content than normal with a little silica fume for higher strength. There is also a ton of non-chloride accelerator so we can demold them quickly. They achieve over 4000 psi in four hours.
The Ed Tanner awards are 100% crushed glass (beer bottles from my garage) with a blend of slag and fly ash. Since there is no cement, the slag was heat activated to achieve the desired strength.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

KC Home Design Awards

Although I can't show any pictures yet, recently I have been assisting StudioBuild making awards for the KC Home Design Magazine Design Excellence Awards. There are first, second, and third place awards in 17 residential and commercial categories such as "Outdoor Spaces." The awards are a combination of concrete and wood. A special concrete mixture was designed that achieves over 4000 psi in 4 hours and will have an ultimate strength above 20,000 psi. Since the awards are not a typical concrete shape, the ultra high strength will keep them from breaking should someone drop theirs.